Tuesday, February 25, 2014

storyline chart

chart based on devon's and norris's info. this should give us a better idea of what we're doing

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Summary of the original story.

Hi John, this short video basically summarize the whole story. Please take a look and you will get a better understanding of the story. Thank you for your time!

Devon's Sketches

Some stuff we should figure out now.

Norris and I was talking about our project earlier today, and we thought about stuff that we haven't discuss about, but might be crucial to figure out first before we carry on.

- the target client for our project, for game? movie? or Animation?
- how are we going to divide the works.
- how do we balance the design for the magic and technology factions?
- the time period of the story
- the details about technology of the new era, and the type of magic from old era.
        (hovercraft? psionic power? elemental magic? laser? )
- and of course, the visual direction and form language in detail.

When Norris and I was discussing about the visual direction of the story, we realize we need to decide the time period this story happens, or at least how it relates to our world.

We come up with an idea of substitute the utilization of steam and industrial revolution to the discovery of magic, and the booming of magic research that came with it. This means in that parallel world, people rely on magic in their daily life, and they build device and even weapon that utilize the power of magic. However, the world was destroyed, because people use magic and magic weapons in World War I and II. So that sort of set the tone and time period for the Magician faction.

Our story will take place maybe 300~500 years after World War. So the new civilization is totally different from the world we knew. It will be a completely new world which is built upon advance technology. The existence of magic is erased from the history book or any official archive.
In order to maintain the function of society in the ruined world, the government controls the life of people, and suppress their emotion to eliminates disorder and rebellion.

The truth is, emotion is the major factor for one to use magic, But since government conceal the existence of magic, they claim that the elimination of human emotion is for the harmony of society. Devices they use to check on people's identity and emotional level are actually equipped with sensors for magic detection.

We came up with this story so that we can stay true to the spirit of 1984, while logically insert magic into the story. This background story also helps us defined the visual direction for both factions.

Since the government is systematic and emotionless totalitarianism, the color well be cold and functional, and stay true to the material.

Magician need to embrace the flow of emotion in order to use magic, so they value relationships, beauty and color expression.

Scott Chen

Norris Lin

This is just an rough idea of my approach on the thought police.

Diesel punk might be a good direction for our story?

Gordon Sun

Sorry Guys. Was really busy with work this week. I'll catch up next week.

ive attached ref board for inspiration

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Devil May Cry
Sherlock Holmes

Inglorious Basterds

Idea: blending Magic with 1984

Basically blending the use of magic with 1984. 

originally every human beings are capable of using magic, but because some shit gone wrong, the world was once on the verge of dome. But people arise again from ashes and rebuild society.

As tens of generations gone by, the society is rebuilt, a highly developed one with advance technology level. The government of this new era totally erase the existence of magic from the book, not even the word "magic" is in the culture anymore. gradually, people start thinking that technology is the only power to survive in the ruined world, and being a tireless worker in the government central factory is the only way to maintain social status for food and living expense. ( As the government also keeps giving the impression that they are constantly at war with unknown threat from other territory) 

By using all the possible extreme measure(like those in the book), the government tries to eliminate the usage of magic, and those who's talent has blossomed. Winston is a ordinary worker, but an unordinary thing about him is he constantly dream about being able to walk in the air and breath fire and shit..... He often draw out his dreams in his diary, with some symbols he could not understand, but just feel familiar.

Sets of Designs Needed

- Winston - main character
- Julia - love interest
- O'Brian - believed at first to be leader of magicians, but is really a Government Spy
- Magician/the Proles/Brotherhood (good guys)
- Government/Thought Police (bad guys)
- Obedient citizens, workers
- Big Brother ? - more like an image/symbol (don’t really know if he’s actually a person etc.)
- a central system that controls the city? ***
-- mounument or something left from the fantasy generation before?
- Parson - neighbour of Winston with his kids (that are spies lol)

- Winston's House
- Ministry of Truth (workplace of Winston)
- Room in Prole/Magician District above the bookstore where they have their affair
- Streets of London
- Forest Place where Julia and Winston have their first affair
- Shop with books and shit
- O'Brian's Luxury Apartment
- Ministry of Love (where they study people to convert them)
- Room 101 (the ultimate torture room)
- Underground rebellion city
-(The big gathering hall)
-(the street of the underground ruined city)
- etc

- TVs
- surveillance cameras
- torture device
- the Party control device that manipulates people’s nervous systems?
- Device used by secret police:
- thought/mind readers
- the weapon/stuff they used to capture/ fight against magician.
- devices/meature that prohibit people’s magic?
- brotherhood bible/device?
- device Winston used to record his diary.
- Winston’s working station
- Device used by magician.
- Lantern or device that guides Rebellion members to their base
- their Weapons,  NO Wand
- stuff they wear or use to avoid magic detection

Mech/Vehicle/ pooooooop in my pants
- Transport/motorcycles/cars
- Patrol Mechas
- Mech in Ministry of love
- Food/supply distribution vehicles and mechas
- Warship dropping bomb to city.
- the bomb actually emit some sort of anti magic particle.
- robo hound or somesort

Key shots:

- 1 or 2 per person

References for 1984

Thief (video game)